Friday 10 October 2008

Gojira - The Way of All Flesh

If you have not heard of Gojira you are missing the heaviest, most exciting and all around brutal band to come out of France in...forever. Gojira will move you like no other metal band has, even with their relatively uncomplicated song structure (Breakdown, Faster Riff, Breakdown, Faster Riff, with lots and lots of double bass). If you are a virgin to them, please for the love of god listen to Vacuity. The first 30 seconds alone are enough to turn you into a Gojiraite. They not only know how to work with speed and brutalness, but they also have a lockdown on heavy, slow, mezmerizing riffs (when complemented with whale noises is all but hypnotizing). Check out their new release, In The Way Of All Flesh, as well as their previous album, From Mars To Sirius, both of which are extremly strong and solid ablums from the 4-piece from France.


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